Google related instructions and fuzzy search for wildcards

2020-08-12|186 views|Development skills

When we use the Google search engine to do some search work such as company information, product industries, and customer background checks, we often need some search instructions or skills to help us quickly filter the search results that match our needs.

related search instructions
Using Google related search instructions and combining the keywords we already have, which can help us find some potential target customers. For example, now we are looking for an American company that makes LED light products, enter LED lights Inc in the search bar, and search.

You will find that in the search results, there are many American companies that make LED light products and lighting equipment. We will open one of them and take a look at the company's website.

On the company's product page, you can see the company's main LED products, including LED screens, lamps, and LED-related products, LED tape, etc.

Assuming that this company is in line with the standard of the potential customer we are looking for, at this time, we can use Google's related search instructions to find more companies of the same type that make LED lights. How to do it? After the search command, add the qualified company domain name to search, for example, enter related: in the search bar.

After searching, you can see that the company websites in the search results are all related to led lights and belong to the type of potential company customers we are looking for. And the search results are not the same as the previous product keyword + company name suffix search method.

So, if you encounter a matching company website, or a domain name of a website with old customers, you can use the related search command to try to find out if you can find the same type of website with similar product types and services. Through these same types of websites, we are likely to find similar potential customers who match their own products.

Whole word wildcard
Many foreign traders have just started searching and don’t know which keywords to use, or the search keywords they have are missing or incomplete. In this case, we can add Google’s whole word wildcards to the keywords (* ) to search.

Firstly, when it is the first case. When we don’t know what keywords to search, we can combine some keywords and wildcards to try the search. For example, we are going to check some products on Amazon, which are hot-selling and top-ranked, then at this time we can use * to search for this uncertain string. Enter "top*products" in the search and combine the limited website domain name site:

As can be seen from the search results in the figure, the wildcard * sign replaces the character strings of beauty, selling, space, 20..., and serves as the modifier of the product. Here, the * sign can refer to a word or a string of several words.

In another case, for example, an old customer who has cooperation let us help him find some Chinese LED exporters. At this time, we go to Alibaba to try and find out. What keywords do you enter? The first thing that comes to mind is a company named after some product words and industry words, "lighting co ltd", but we don't know what the first half of the company name is, so we can add wildcards to search and enter "*lighting co ltd", In addition, the limited website is site:

We can see that there are many companies that make LEDs in the search results. Most of the company names are prefixed by Shenzhen and Zhongshan, which means that the origin of Chinese LED lights is mostly from Shenzhen and Zhongshan. According to the information feedback of the search results, below we can further adjust and optimize our search keywords to find LED companies from Shenzhen. For example, enter "Shenzhen * lighting co ltd"

From the search results, the asterisk here refers to the company names such as sunlight and Weimeng. By combining wildcards and some keyword instructions, you can quickly find all the company's websites that make LED products in Shenzhen.

According to different needs, related search of the same type, as well as the * character referring to the string, and some other use methods, which can help us easily complete some search work.

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