How to create industry analysis reports and add labels with customs data section

2020-04-29|2205 views|

How to search directly
Select the corresponding trading country from the customs data channel page to enter the custom page of "customs data and industry analysis report".
Click "+ Search data or create report" button; in the pop-up window, enter the content according to the data type date, product description, HS code, procurement company, trading area, port and transportation method, volume and price.

Just click the "Save" button.
The necessary conditions for creating a report are that the transaction time range cannot exceed 1 year, and the HS code or product description cannot be empty. There are

two ways to create industry labels:
When searching the content directly, click the "Save and Search" button after filling in the content, and fill in the tag name in the new pop-up window.
In the created label section, directly click the "Add" link, and fill in the label name and the content of each field in the pop-up window and save it.

In the created label section, click the "Edit" text to delete or modify the label, and then click the "Done" text.

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