What is a customs order?

2020-05-28|33 views|Encyclopedias

The customs declaration is a special export freight document for international container transportation, and is also one of the documents for export freight declaration. Let's take a look at what the customs order is? What content does it contain?

Customs order definition
The customs bill in the field of foreign trade is the customs clearance bill, that is, the "export cargo loading bill", also known as the "dock receipt" (Dock Receipt, D / R), which is a special export freight document for international container transportation. The customs declaration is a document issued to the shipper by the shipping company that has accepted the shipper's application for shipment to order the ship's captain to load the goods on board. It can be used not only as a basis for shipment, but also as one of the main documents used by cargo owners to go through customs declaration procedures with customs.

As far as the shipper is concerned, it is proof that the goods have been shipped. For the shipping company or its agent, it is to inform the shipping party to accept the instruction documents for shipment of the batch of goods.

Customs content
The station receipt is a comprehensive document that consolidates documents such as a consignment note (booking order), a loading order (customs form), a mate ’s receipt, a tally note, a shipping return, and a freight notice. During the export consignment of goods, the station receipts must be transferred between multiple agencies and departments, including shippers, freight forwarders, shipping agents, customs, yards, tally companies, captains, or mates.

The station receipts are composed as follows:
The first joint: Container cargo consignment note (maintenance of the owner) (B / N)
The second joint: Container cargo consignment note (ship agent to keep the bottom)
The Third joint: Freight Notice (1)
The Fourth joint: Freight Notice (2)
The Fifth Joint: Copy of the station receipt (loading order) (S / O)
The Fifth joint copy: Application for payment of port charges for export goods
The Sixth joint: First Vice President (copies of station receipts)
The Seventh joint: Station Receipt (D / R)
The Eighth joint: Freight forwarding
The ninth joint: Cabin return (1)
The Tenth Joint: Cabin Return (2)
The standard format is the 12th, and its 11th and 12th are used for warehouse receipts and points.

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