Google search keywords + intitle & inurl usage

2020-07-29|169 views|Development skills

When using the Google search command to query the desired content information, the mostcommonly used search commands are site and filetype. These two commands are intitle and inurl. Some foreign trade friends are relatively unfamiliar with them. Instructions are very convenient and useful for searching in some specific situations. Next, let's take a look at how they are used?

First of all, we do not make any restrictions, only enter led lights in the Google search bar.

As is shown in the figure, we found that in some search results, the title only matched the LED string. Generally, when searching with two strings of led lights, the web page must satisfy both strings of led and lights, but the position is not limited. In the displayed search results, they may appear together in the title and description column; it may appear separately.

Next, we use the intitle search directive to make a qualification.

intitle search command
First of all, the intitle search command is to find all the included webpages, where the title contains search keywords. For example, we enter intitle: led lights.

You can see that in the search results, the keywords are limited to the title bar of the search page. In other words, we have found all the webpages with the string LED lights in the title.

There is one point to note here. Many foreign trade friends subconsciously think of led light as a word by default. Why? On the one hand, because in the Google search engine, users often search the two strings together, it is considered a popular and high-frequency index word; On the other hand, in the search results, we found that most of the web pages use these two keywords as titles.

However, in fact, when Google indexes the keywords we input, like LED light, it does not know that the word means LED light. Instead, the two strings of this keyword are indexed separately. You can take a look at the url of the index page list, which is searched using LED + lights. Therefore, the search results containing both of these words will be displayed. As for whether these two strings appear in the title, description column, or in the body of the web page, this is not limited. Therefore, if we want to search this word as a whole when searching, it is best to add double quotes in English when using the intitle search command to turn "led lights" into a complete match and the whole key word.

If you want to query the web page that contains the search keyword in the URL, what search command should be used?

inurl search instruction
Inurl refers to a specific link address of a webpage, which can be the main page of the website or its secondary directory page. The Inurl search command is to limit the link address of the web page, and contains the search keywords we entered. For example, you can enter a person's name to search, enter Michel Gosselin.

As is shown in the screenshot above, we can see that Facebook, Linkedin and other content information containing the person's name appear in the search results.

Similarly, we can also find keywords for products, for example, enter led light, and directly find the website that makes this type of product.

In addition, we can also combine the two search commands intitle and inurl.

Combine intitle & inurl
For example, now I want to find the website of a peer supplier who is doing ledlight in China. In general, many domestic suppliers do English websites, and the title of the page will contain the keyword Co., Ltd. So when we use the intitle command to find domestic peer websites, we can enter the keyword of the limited condition of Co., Ltd, and then combine inurl Instruction, enter the product keywords related to ledlight.

From the search results, we can see that the website pages are basically all Chinese. Therefore, we can limit the search results by combining different search instructions and search keywords, so that the search results match and meet our search goals and requirements.

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