trakya tekstil giyim sanayiciler as

Activity value 62 turkey Supplier, the last transaction date was 2007-02-09 Address: konaklar mah. akasyali sok no 124. leventistanbul tr Detail
Accurate Match International Firm

Bill of lading data

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  • Trade date 2007/02/09 B/L No. mscugm722125
  • Supplier trakya tekstil giyim sanayiciler as Buyers miss erika division
  • POLs valencia PODs newark nj
  • Supply area Spain Purchas area United States
  • Weight 4232kg Amount ——
  • Hs code Product tags lid,elastic waistband,slant pocket,string,dtm,t po,100 cotton,cargo,capri pant,pc,elastic waist,tape,twill,oven,ring,otto,waist
  • Product description LADIES %100 COTTON WOVEN S OLID PANT / HTS NO 6204.6 2.4021 FULL ELASTIC WAISTBAND W / DT M TWILL TAPE DRAWSTRING P.O 1028008 STY 166 6011 COLL 3 DZ 9 / D B P.O.304739 P. O 1028005 STY 1666011 COLL 13 DZ 43 + 4 PCS DB P.O.304738 P.O.1028002 STY 1666011 CO LL 15 DZ 50 /DB P.O.304738 P.O 1027999 ST Y 1666011 C OLL 9 DZ 37,5 /DB P.O.3047 37 P.O 1027996 STY 1666011 CO LL 5 DZ 25 / DB P.O. 30473 6 LADIES %100 COTTON WOVEN S OLID CAPRI PANT / HTS NO 6 204.62.4021 ELEASTIC WAIST W DTM TWI LL TAPE DRAWSTRING & 2 SLA NT POCK ETS P.O 1028150 STY 1666021 C OLL 24 DZ 40 DB P.O.3047 40 P.O 1028176 STY 1666021 CO LL 10DZ 30 / DB P.O. 30474 2 LADIES %100 COTTON WOVEN S OLID CAPRI PANT / HTS NO 6 204.62.40 21 ELASTIC WAIST W / DTM TWIL L TAPE DRAWSTRI NG & 2 SLAN T POCKETS P.O 1028156 STY 1666021 CO LL 80 DZ 120 PCS / DB P.O .304741 P.O 10 28158 STY 1666021 D Z 133+4 PCS DB P.O.30474 1 P.O 1028180 STY 1666021 DZ 66+8 PCS DB P. O.304741 LADIES %100 COTTON WOVEN S OLID SHOR D / HTS NO 6204.6 2.4056 ELASTIC WAIST W / DT M TWIL L TAPE DRAWSRING & 2 SLANT POCKETS P.O 1028190 STY 1666061 C OLL 22 DZ 36+8 PCS DB P. O.304744 LADIES %100 COTTON WOVEN S OLI D SHORT / HTS NO 6204.6 2.4056 ELASTIC WAIST W / DTM TWIL L TAPE DRAWSTRING & 2 SLAN T POC KETS P.O 1028194 STY 1666061 C OL 78 DZ 120 DB P O.3047 45 P.O 1028192 STY 1666061 D Z 66+8PCS / DB P.O 304745 P.O 1028196 STY 1666 061 DZ 125+4PCS / DB P.O 304745 LADIES %100 COTTON WOVEN S OLID SHORT / HTS NO 6204.6 2.4 056 ELESTIC WAIST W / DTM TWIL L TAPE DRAWSTR ING & 2 SLAN T POCKETS P.O 1028200 STY 166606 1 CO LL 6 DZ 20 / DB P.O.304747 LADIES %100 C OTTON WOVEN S OLID SHORT / HTS NO 6204.6 2.40 56 FULL ELASTIC WAISTBAND W / DTMTWILL TAPE & CARGO POC KETS P.O 1028177 STY 1666901 CO LL 25 DZ 66+8 PCS / DB P.O .304746 LADIES %100 COTTON WOVEN S OLID SHORT / HTS NO 6204.6 2.4 056 FULL ELASTIC WAISTBAND W / DTM TWILL
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  • Products Transactions Per Detail
  • clothing
    29 69.05% >
  • ev
    23 54.76% >
  • shirts
    23 54.76% >
  • short s
    23 54.76% >
  • cot
    18 42.86% >
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Port statistics

  • Port Name Transactions Per Detail
  • izmir 41 97.62% >
  • valencia 1 2.38% >
trakya tekstil giyim sanayiciler as is A Turkey Supplier. This Company's Trade Report Mainly Contains Market Analysis, Contact, Trade Partners, Ports Statistics, And Trade Area Analysis. Official Reference Contact Is From Turkey Original Bill Of Ladings, Including Email, Phone, Fax, Address, And Official Website. Till 2007-02-09,trakya tekstil giyim sanayiciler as. A Total Of 42 Transactions. Follow Up The Company, And Then Can Export This Company's Contact And B/Ls. If There Is New Transactions, We Will Also Inform You By The System.

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