【Middle | Analyzing】There are so many customers in the customs data, where to start the development?

2020-04-03|128 views|Development skills

After getting the customs data, don't take the rush first, and start sending out development letters in a hurry. This will not only have little effect, but the homogeneous content of the mail will also easily cause customer resentment.

Use the customs data to filter the classified customers based on the importer's procurement cycle. It is best to capture customers who have purchased in the past year as the focus of development. After capturing the target customers, we may wish to conduct further investigation and analysis on the background of the client company, and prepare for the follow-up work of the development customers. You can directly check the company's official website, or analyze the information of target customers through Google and industry websites, and combine customs data to analyze the target customers found one by one to accumulate customer company information.

View Operating Products
the website content of the client company, such as: business scope and product page. Understand the customer's business scope, products and categories, and see what types of products are operated on the website? I found that the product page has products that our company can make, and has certain price and quality advantages. At this time, we can use customs data to check which types of products the other party has been operating recently, how much each type of product is purchased, etc., and record the number of transactions of customers in different time periods, the number of suppliers and whether they have Information such as the intention to change suppliers, and how often to change suppliers.

Through the summary analysis of the above data, find out the customer's main products and purchasing habits, and whether there is a willingness to change suppliers. Then, we will see if we can win the customer through email communication and quotation before the customer's new round of purchase.

The role of the customer in the supply chain
Also check the customer's website product page. If there are many and diverse product types and the relevance is not strong, the customer's role in the supply chain may be a wholesaler or middleman. Such customers are sensitive to the price of the product and the degree is not particularly high. It mainly purchases products from manufacturing companies and resells them to downstream customers such as retailers. The focus is mostly on the middle spread.

And if the website has a fixed product business scope, the number is large and stable, most of the customers are importers, that is, end customers. Such customers first consider high-quality sources of goods and stable channels, and are relatively price-sensitive.

Why know the role of the customer company in the supply chain? Because middlemen and terminal customers in the negotiation and communication are completely different, the two focuses on the content are different. When communicating with customers via email, there is a difference in both position and negotiation rhetoric. For example: with the middle of the negotiations, you can stand with the middleman on a "front", with the middleman to win the customer's long-term supply channels or more orders. Talking with end customers, need to demonstrate product quality, ensure stable supply and quote the right price.

Query the other party's website, or search for its information on the Internet, analyze whether the customer's company is a middleman, or an end customer, and make a good record.

Understand the sales market
Where are the main markets for customers' products? What are the main importing countries? To understand the sales market coverage area and service scope of the customer’s company, and combine with the local consumption level and consumption habits, estimate our export profit, analyze the buyer's price acceptance ability, and possibly give an appropriate quotation in the communication. Among them, the product covers the industry and the field also to do a good job of investigation and analysis, for example: our product is inverter, not limited to the purchase of inverter importers, including machine tools, injection molding machines, pumps and other products covered importers, which can be included in the development list.

Finally, the customer's information is summarized and made into a customer follow-up form, which can be divided into sections according to different product classifications, company information, customer source, contact information, etc., which is used to record customer information and transaction details. In addition, we also need to make contact follow-up records, and mark the time and content of each email with customers.

After the investigation and analysis, we also have a certain understanding of the customer's "behavior habits." These habits are in the usual summary, sort out of customer details and certain type of customer to form an "organized" understanding. Following the development of customer work, to find what content as the entry point to communicate with the customer, becomes very simple. Be able to achieve a targeted target, with customers on line of the probability is also greatly improved.

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