Warehousing process for foreign trade importers

2020-06-30|41 views|Development skills

Regarding the purchase of goods by foreign trade importers, the process of pulling to the door of their own warehouse for warehousing mainly includes the following parts: warehousing, storage, management, and out of stock.

The consignee delivers the goods to the door of your warehouse, and then the warehouse worker unloads the goods. And after completing a series of storage operations, the goods are loaded onto the importer's warehouse pallet or bulk shelves, which is a storage process.

Goods warehouse
First of all, warehousing can also be called receiving goods. After the goods arrive, warehouse workers are required to unload, inspect and count. For example, there may be more than a dozen kinds of goods in a container. Before entering the warehouse, each kind of goods may be opened for inspection; the quantity on the list should be packed to count; if the outsourcing carton is damaged or deformed during the customs clearance in the case of storage, change the box to do a repacking.

Then, when some customers place orders, they may ask for a neutral printed package. After receiving the goods, the importer will affix a Scannable label to each out-of-box container according to the needs of warehousing management. The label contains information such as the goods and storage. It can be seen that when importing the warehouse, this part of the labor cost of the importer is essential and can be regarded as the daily operating cost of the warehouse.

Storage and sorting
After the goods are stored in the warehouse, the storage process includes mass storage, bulk storage, picking, replenishment, etc. For example, large-capacity goods are mainly stored on pallet racks. This type of high racks is used more in the process of foreign supply chain management and warehousing. Some of them also have automatic equipment such as lifting tables. Mass storage is mainly used to store goods that will not leave the warehouse in the near future and complete its storage function.

So, how do you store some loose goods that often go out of storage? Generally, it will be placed on the bulk shelves of the warehouse separately, similar to the shelves of supermarkets, which is convenient for warehouse workers to pick, sort, store and manage. It can be said that the bulk storage is mainly for the purpose of leaving the warehouse, and the warehouse workers can quickly pick up the scattered goods on the customer's order.

Finally, it is the daily replenishment, to ensure that all picking positions are filled, and the picking process is kept in an orderly manner. In fact, it is also to prepare for the later out of the warehouse.

Warehouse management
The warehouses of foreign importers basically have their own set of warehouse management systems, whose main function is to record and track data. Not only as a function of storing and protecting goods, but also as a material circulation center, ensuring the safety of goods, realizing the adjustment of resource allocation, and finding some optimal storage solutions.

Goods out of storage
Finally, the main work flow of goods out of the warehouse includes order picking, sorting, packaging, loading and transportation. Warehouse workers generate a picking list based on customer orders, and then find the goods according to the list to complete the picking and sorting work. Many of the current work of picking and sorting are done through modern intelligent equipment such as electronic goods searching and sorting conveyor belts. In this process, the goods need to be inspected before they are shipped out of the warehouse, so they need to be transported and packaged. The last thing is to wait for loading and transportation.

The above is the general process of warehousing after foreign trade importers has purchased.

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